Magento Notifier to customer to get Free shipping

About Notifier to customer to get Free shipping

Encourage your customers to spend more, by notifying them how much more they need to buy, to qualify for Free Shipping.

Every customer loves free stuff and your customers will be happy to buy a bit more products from your website, if they know that the shipping will be free.

This extension adds a native Magento notification message to your shop cart, checkout, mini cart page and extra pop-up that notifies the customers of the amount left to qualify for Free Shipping.

To increase your conversion rates this extension will tell visitors on the exact minimum order total is requires to qualify for free shipping, and will display a success message when the minimum order total is achieved.

If the client has ordered an amount that is less than the limit set in admin, Store > Configuration > Doyenhub > Free Shipping Notifier, the client will see a pop-up box that tells exactly how much he/she has to order to get Free Shipping.

When a user clicks on the add to cart button a pop-up message will be generate saying ‘Congratulation! Now free shipping is available’ else if the product doesn’t meet the requirement of the free shipping then it will show the message ‘You’re ‘x’ away from FREE SHIPPING!*’. The same message will be shown in the shopping cart, mini-cart and checkout page.


  • Works with free shipping based on order subtotal.
  • Calculates the difference between the client’s total order and the free shipping limit.
  • The displayed message can be easily edited in the admin configuration.
  • This extension will add notification pop-up on product add to cart.
  • The pop-up will be easily show/hide by admin configuration.

How extension will work:

  • After installing Free Shipping Notifier extension store owner can set minimum order total for Free Shipping Notifier.
  • The store owner can set/change the notification message anytime.
  • The store owner can set minimum order total for shipping notification.
  • The store owner can show/hide pop-up for the notification message.
  • The store owner can show/hide notification message on checkout.

Note:This extension shows how much money user should spend in order to get free shipping if available.



Your magento 2 extensions can be installed in a few minutes by going through these following steps

Step 1: Download/purchase the extension

Step 2: Unzip the file in a temporary directory

Step 3: Paste “FreeShippingAlert” folder into MagentoRoot/app/code/Doyenhub directory.

Step 4: Disable the cache under System >> Cache Management

Step 5: Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:

bin/magento module:enable Doyenhub_FreeShippingAlert –clear-static-content

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

bin/magento indexer:reindex

Note: Clear the store cache, clear your browser cache, domain cookies, and refresh the page.

If you change theme from admin you have to remove pub/static and re-deploy pub/static.



Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:

bin/magento module:disable Doyenhub_FreeShippingAlert –clear-static-content

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


User Manual

1. Go to, Store >> Configuration >> DOYENHUB >> Free Shipping Notifier

EnabledYes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension)

2. Configure these extension settings as per your requirement

Minimum Order TotalAdd free shipping limit.
Notifier MessageSet notifier message, Use ##amount## for display amount left to qualify for free shipping.
Success MessageEnter success message of free shipping is available.
Shown On CheckoutYes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to display alert box on checkout)
Show PopupYes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to display alert message popup after adding to cart)
Popup TitleEnter title of popup that will be displayed after adding to cart.
1. Enable Free Shipping Notifier
You can enable/disable free shipping alert functionality as per your requirement.
2. Minimum Order Total
Enter free shipping limit to display an alert message.
3. Notifier Message
Enter alert message for display notification to the user, Use ##amount## for display amount left to qualify for Free Shipping.
4. Success Message
Enter success message of free shipping is available.
5. Show On Checkout
Yes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to display alert box on checkout).
6. Show Popup
Yes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to display alert popup after adding to cart).
7. Popup title
Enter title of popup that will be displayed after adding to cart.
1. Product View & Product List Page
If Show Popup is enabled from admin configuration then after adding a product to cart it will display the popup with an appropriate message.
2. Minicart
At the top of the mini cart, alert/success message will be displayed.
3. Shopping Cart
At the top of the shopping cart, alert/success message will be displayed.
4. Checkout
At the top of checkout alert/success message, you can enable/disable to show alert messages from admin config on checkout
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