About CCAvenue Payment Gateway CCAvenue® is South Asia’s largest payment gateway solution powering thousands of eMerchants with real time, multi-currency, multiple payment options for online payment processing services. The solution is powered by proprietary technology that integrates transaction-processing, advance shopping cart, auction payment collection facility, fraud control, financial reporting and…
Magento Restrict Shipping and Cash on Delivery for a location
About Restrict Shipping And COD In many cases admin wants to have an option to restrict Cash On Delivery option for a specific location due to unavailability of service. This extension allows admin user to list down the Zip/Postal Code where product will not have Cash On Delivery option Same…
Magento Landing page popup
About Landing page popup The Popup extension for Magento is a great solution for those who want their visitors to be aware of all the latest and hot stuff on your store. The design and content of a popup are very flexible – store administrator is free to edit it…
Magento Locate a store Extension
About Locate a store Finding your stores is easier than ever with the user-friendly interface of Store Locator extension. The module supports street view & shows directions from the user’s current location to the store’s location instantly on a Google map. Customers have the ability to search for the nearest…
Overwrite module phtml file and re-write in own theme Magento 2
Some day ago I am facing one issue in magento 2 with overwrite module’s PHTML file in my custom theme, So here is the solution , Steps, Copy the Phtml file from module (For module location On template path hint) go to MAGENTO_ROOT/app/design/frontend/VENDOR/YOUR_THEME/MODULE_NAME/templates/filename.phtml Here MODULE_NAME is your module name from…