About WhatsApp Share
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for messaging service. Thus, it is a good option for ecommerce site to share products and cms page you may like.
With our WhatsApp Share extension, customers can share URLs of CMS pages, product pages and product listings page with detail on WhatsApp. WhatsApp Share extension allows the users to share product details and cms page details through WhatsApp when browsing the store through a mobile device.
When user clicks on WhatsApp Share button on the product detail page it redirects the user to the WhatsApp contact list then user can share that product information.
This extension also allows admin user to set extra text to share with product details. Admin can also decide size of the share button for mobile view. Whatsapp tsApp shares button available in three sizes: small, medium and large and that is manageable from the admin.
- WhatsApp Share works with all mobile and tablet devices.
- Store admin can easily enable/disable module anytime.
- Store admin can easily enable/disable WhatsApp Share button from product page, list page and cms page.
- Store admin can set the price label to share.
- Store admin can also set extra text to share.
- Allows user to quickly share product detail with link.
- WhatsApp Share will work from product page, list page and cms page.
How module will work:
- After successfully installation of WhatsApp Share extension, the store owner can set enable/disable WhatsApp share button extension.
- The store owner can set product short description max length.
- The store owner can set product name label, product price label.
- The store owner can enable/disable WhatsApp Share button from list page, product page or cms page.
- The store owner can set button size, button text and extra text of WhatsApp Share.
Your magento 2 extensions can be installed in a few minutes by going through these following steps
Step 1: Download/purchase the extension
Step 2: Unzip the file in a temporary directory
Step 3: Paste “WhatsAppShare” folder into MagentoRoot/app/code/Doyenhub directory.
Step 4: Disable the cache under System >> Cache Management
Step 5: Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:
bin/magento module:enable Doyenhub_WhatsAppShare –clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento indexer:reindex
Note: Clear the store cache, clear your browser cache, domain cookies, and refresh the page.
If you change theme from admin you have to remove pub/static and re-deploy pub/static.
Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:
bin/magento module:disable Doyenhub_WhatsAppShare –clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
User Manual
1. Go to, Store >> Configuration >> DOYENHUB >> WhatsApp Share
Enabled Yes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension)
2. Enable on product view page
Enable on product view page Yes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension for product view page)
3. Enable on product list page
Enable On Product List Yes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension for Product List page)
4. Enable On CMS Page
Enable On CMS Page Yes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension for CMS page)
5. Configure these extension settings as per your requirement
Product Short Description Text Length Add product short description text length Product Short Description Label Set product description label Product Name Label Set product name label Product Price Label Set product price label Comments For Product Add additional comments for product share CMS Page Title Label Set CMS page title label Comments For CMS Page Add additional comments for cms page share WhatsApp Share Button Size Set WhatsApp share button size from small, medium and large WhatsApp Share Button Text Add WhatsApp share button text
You can enable/disable WhatsApp Share extension
You can enable/disable WhatsApp Share extension for product view page
You can enable/disable WhatsApp Share extension for product list page
You can enable/disable WhatsApp Share extension for cms page
You can set product short description text length
You can set product name label
You can set product price label
You can add additional comments for product share
You can set CMS page title label
You can add additional comments for CMS page
You can set WhatsApp share button size from small, medium and large.
If WhatsApp share is enabled from admin configuration then it will display WhatsApp icon for sharing product to WhatsApp.
If WhatsApp share is enabled for product list page from admin configuration then it will display WhatsApp icon for sharing product to WhatsApp.
If WhatsApp share is enabled for CMS page from admin configuration then it will display WhatsApp icon for sharing cms page to WhatsApp.