Magento Landing page popup

About Landing page popup

The Popup extension for Magento is a great solution for those who want their visitors to be aware of all the latest and hot stuff on your store.

The design and content of a popup are very flexible – store administrator is free to edit it to match his current design. The purpose of a popup is to provide a very strong call-to-action. This action might be a subscription, announcement or sale you want to the visitor to know about your store.

This Magento module allows you to display static content in popup window. You can create and manage popups for your internal websites.


  • Provides fully customizable interface of the extension from admin that is easily manageable.
  • Can be enable / disable from admin configuration.
  • Provides responsive layout for all devices.
  • Easy to set time duration of popup.
  • Easy to customize the front-end via HTML/CSS.
  • Create as many pop-up design as you want and choose which you want to display.
  • Can set newsletter subscription form in popup.


Your magento 2 extensions can be installed in a few minutes by going through these following steps

Step 1: Download/purchase the extension

Step 2: Unzip the file in a temporary directory

Step 3: Paste “LandingPopup” folder into MagentoRoot/app/code/Doyenhub directory.

Step 4: Disable the cache under System >> Cache Management

Step 5: Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:

bin/magento module:enable Doyenhub_LandingPopup –clear-static-content

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

bin/magento indexer:reindex

Note: Clear the store cache, clear your browser cache, domain cookies, and refresh the page.

If you change theme from admin you have to remove pub/static and re-deploy pub/static.



Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:

bin/magento module:disable Doyenhub_LandingPopup –clear-static-content

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


User Manual

1. Go to, Store >> Configuration >> DOYENHUB >> Landing Popup Settings

EnabledYes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension)
Cookie DurationAdd Duration in hours, if set empty or 0 it will consider as 24 hours

2. Go to, Doyenhub Popup >> Landing Popup >> Add New Popup

TitleAdd title for easily identifying popup
StatusSet enable status of one of your all popup for displaying on frontend
ContentAdd content of your popup

NOTE: Their is default two popup is available 1.Newsletter and 2.Promotional.
If you want to add new popup with newsletter you can just add below block of code in your new popup content area.

{{block class=”Magento\Newsletter\Block\Subscribe” template=”subscribe.phtml”}}


1. Enable Check Delivery
You can enable/disable Landing Popup functionality as per your requirement.
2. Add Cookie Duration
Add Duration in hours, if set empty or 0 it will consider as 24 hours.
3. Popup Menu
You can find Doyenhub Popup Menu on this place
4. Popup Grid
View list of popup 
5. Popup Form
Add new popup
1. Newsletter
2. Promotional
Demo Video

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