About Landing page popup The Popup extension for Magento is a great solution for those who want their visitors to be aware of all the latest and hot stuff on your store. The design and content of a popup are very flexible – store administrator is free to edit it…
Magento Locate a store Extension
About Locate a store Finding your stores is easier than ever with the user-friendly interface of Store Locator extension. The module supports street view & shows directions from the user’s current location to the store’s location instantly on a Google map. Customers have the ability to search for the nearest…
Magento :Difference between Override and Rewrite
As Magento says don’t change the core files, so there are two ways you can change core files and for Block/Helper/Model classes. Definations:- Override : When we use design fallback mechanism then we are doing override Rewrite : When we rewrite magento Core classes in our class then we are…
Overwrite module phtml file and re-write in own theme Magento 2
Some day ago I am facing one issue in magento 2 with overwrite module’s PHTML file in my custom theme, So here is the solution , Steps, Copy the Phtml file from module (For module location On template path hint) go to MAGENTO_ROOT/app/design/frontend/VENDOR/YOUR_THEME/MODULE_NAME/templates/filename.phtml Here MODULE_NAME is your module name from…
Error after Magento 2 upgrade command
After firing this command from your terminal “php bin/magento setup:upgrade” If you get blank screen or your website crash and you get error in your log file, then just follow below steps to solve the issue. Here the simple steps are Delete the “di” folder located in var directory via…