About CCAvenue Payment Gateway
CCAvenue® is South Asia’s largest payment gateway solution powering thousands of eMerchants with real time, multi-currency, multiple payment options for online payment processing services. The solution is powered by proprietary technology that integrates transaction-processing, advance shopping cart, auction payment collection facility, fraud control, financial reporting and order tracking.
CCAvenue Payment Gateway extension is now available for Magento2. With the use of this module, admin can configure their magento 2.0+ e-commerce site so that their customers can pay through CCAvenue payment gateway.
With the use of this payment gateway, customers can pay with different types of payment methods like Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc.
- Provides an additional Payment Gateway option to the customers
- Checkout using the CCAvenue Payment Gateway.
- Admin can enable / disable the payment method.
- Admin can enter the title for the payment method and the CCAvenue credentials.
- Admin can choose to redirect to CCAvenue for payments, or collect payments on your own site using the IFRAME method.
- If needed Admin can set the minimum and maximum order total for the CCAvenue payment method.
Your magento 2 extensions can be installed in a few minutes by going through these following steps
Step 1: Download/purchase the extension
Step 2: Unzip the file in a temporary directory
Step 3: Paste “CCAvenue” folder into MagentoRoot/app/code/Doyenhub directory.
Step 4: Disable the cache under System >> Cache Management
Step 5: Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:
bin/magento module:enable Doyenhub_CCAvenue –clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento indexer:reindex
Note: Clear the store cache, clear your browser cache, domain cookies, and refresh the page.
If you change theme from admin you have to remove pub/static and re-deploy pub/static.
Enter the following at the command line to setup extension:
bin/magento module:disable Doyenhub_CCAvenue –clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
User Manual
1. Go to, Store >> Configuration >> Sales >> Payment Methods >> CCAvenue
Enabled Yes/No (Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension)
2. Configure these extension settings as per your requirement
Title Select ‘Yes’ If you want to display delivery availability check form on product view page. Sandbox Mode Select ‘Yes’ for enabling sandbox mode. Merchant Id Add merchant id of your CCAvenue account. Working Key Add working key of your CCAvenue account. Access Code Add access code of your CCAvenue account. New Order Status Set new order status, like pending, processing, etc. Integration Technique Select integration technique from ‘redirect’ and ‘iframe’. Payment From Applicable Countries Select application countries from specific and all. Payment From Specific Countries Select specific countries. Minimum Order Total Set minimum order limit for allowing CCAvenue. Maximum Order Total Set maximum order limit for allowing CCAvenue. Sort Order Set sorting order of CCAvenue payment method that will be display on frontend checkout as sorting order. Records Logs Record logs when trying to payment through CCAvenue payment method, ccavenue.log.
You can enable/disable CCAvenue Payment Method functionality as per your requirement.
Set Title of CCAvenue payment method, that will be display on frontend.
Select ‘Yes’ for enabling sandbox mode.
Add merchant id of your CCAvenue account.
Add access code of your CCAvenue account.
Set new order status, like pending, processing, etc.
Select integration technique from ‘redirect’ and ‘iframe’.
Select application countires from specific and all.
Set minimum order limit for allowing CCAvenue.
Set maximum order limit for allowing CCAvenue.
Set sorting order of CCAvenue payment method that will be displayed on frontend checkout as sorting order.
Record logs when trying to payment through CCAvenue payment method, ccavenue.log.